Musicradio WABC Pictures of the Week for September, 2024


Week of September 3, 2024: 


Happy 88th Birthday Big Dan (September 7)
We miss you...

ingram2000s.jpg (23369 bytes)


Week of September 10, 2024:


George Michael

(photos taken by Allan Sniffen, July, 1978)

George Michael started on WABC September 9, 1974.
Here's "King George" on that very first night:

George Interviewed by Phil Boyce and Allan Sniffen
WABC Rewound
May 27, 2002

(starts at 11:45)

George Interviewed by Mark Simone
March 25, 2006


Week of September 17, 2024: 

Ron Lundy giving his final cue...

"Thank you..... Goodbye Luv"

Ron Lundy's last show in its entirety!

Rewound Radio will re-broadcast Ron's last show from September 18, 1997...
Rewound Radio DJ Hall of Fame!

Saturday, 12 Noon (ET)


Week of September 24, 2024: 

Scott Muni (left) working with engineer Jerry Zeller in 1964

(photo courtesy Jay Sclar)

This is the WABC studio at 1926 Broadway prior to moving to the "Avenue of the Americas" address.
For more pictures:

The WABC Studios In 1964