Musicradio WABC Pictures of the Week for October, 2024
Week of October 1, 2024:
The 1964 WABC Studio located at 1926 Broadway
Scott Muni on the air with engineer Jerry Zeller (with the visor)
(photo courtesy Jay Sclar)
You've just been hired to be a WABC DJ by Program Manager Rick Sklar in 1965!
(Think of yourself as, let's say... Ron Lundy)
After the "pinch me I'm dreaming" moment wears off, Mr. Sklar hands you the
rules of being a DJ at WABC.
Be sure to read them carefully:
WABC 1965 DJ Policies
Week of October 8, 2024:
Musicradio WABC Program Director Rick Sklar
Last week featured Rick Sklar's
1965 DJ Policies.
In 1969 he updated them:
WABC 1969 DJ Policies
Week of October 15, 2024:
Herb Oscar Anderson on the air at WABC in 1965
(courtesy David Jaspen)
Week of October 22, 2024:
Jim Nettleton
Jim Nettleton in the Musicradio WABC
Week of October 29, 2024:
The Bob Dayton "Help
Stamp Out Fan Clubs" Fan Club Card
(courtesy Mike Riccio)
Bob Dayton worked at WABC from 1963 until 1965.
Like Dan Ingram, he arrived at WABC from WIL in St. Louis
where he worked under the air name "Rockin' Robin Scott".
Bob did the midday show on WABC coming on after "The Breakfast Club" at 11AM
and preceding Dan Ingram who came on at 2 PM.
Known for his acerbic wit, Bob found himself at odds with WABC programming guru Rick Sklar on a number of occasions.
After WABC, Bob worked in Los Angeles at KRLA before returning to
New York City where he worked at both WPIX-FM and WCBS-FM.