Musicradio WABC Pictures of the Week for March, 2024


Week of March 5, 2024:


Dan Ingram (r) with the Young Rascals at WABC

Courtesy Peter Kanze



Week of March 12, 2024:

Scott Muni WABC Publicity Photo

Scott Muni passed away in September, 2004.
The following May, the Museum of TV and Radio in New York City did a tribute to him.

Zach Martin produced the following audio tribute to Scott that was featured.
Zach produced Scott's show at Q 104 so he knew him well.

Scott Muni Tribute produced by Zach Martin
May, 2005


Week of March 19, 2024:

Les Marshak in the WABC studio in 1969

(courtesy Les Marshak)

October, 1969

For more about Les and his interesting experience at WABC:
Les Marshak's WABC Odyssey


Week of March 26, 2024:


"Operation Radio"

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L to R: Charlie Greer, Herb Oscar Anderson, Roby Yonge, Chuck Leonard
and...  LOTS of transistor radios!

In the Spring of 1968, WABC asked listeners to donate transistor radios to be shipped to GI's in Vietnam.
Over 5,000 radios were mailed to WABC as part of a promotion called "Operation Radio".

On April 16, 1968 the radios were displayed on stage at the Madison Square Garden Felt Forum.
The picture above is from that event. 

"Operation Radio" Promo
Voiced by Roby Yonge