Musicradio WABC Pictures of the Week for August, 2024


Week of August 6, 2024: 

Musicradio WABC Advertisement

(courtesy Johnny Donovan)

And speaking of Johnny Donovan...
Here's Johnny on WABC
July 9, 1972



Week of August 13, 2024:

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In August of 1974 Cousin Brucie did his last show on Musicradio WABC before moving to WNBC.

This Saturday the Rewound Radio DJ Hall of Fame will Bruce on WABC just before he left, part of his final show and his first show on WNBC.
Hear Bruce on both stations and how his approach changed after he switched stations..,

The Rewound Radio DJ Hall of Fame: Every Saturday at 12 Noon (ET)!


Week of August 20, 2024:

Harry Harrison at the WABC Microphone in 1968

(courtesy Harry Harrison)


Week of August 27, 2024:

Chuck Leonard On The Air At WABC

CHUCKs.jpg (30810 bytes)